Our mission is to help your mission
We respect how passionately—and tirelessly—you work to develop and fund programs that serve your nonprofit organization’s mission.
The backbone of any successful nonprofit organization is solid, strategic marketing. But you’re only one person (if you’re lucky, you have a small team) shouldering the responsibilities of development, stewardship, organizational management, event planning and much more.
So how can you find the time, talent, technology and financial resources you need to plan and execute your marketing initiatives?
With a little help from the MadAveCollective.

The MadAveCollective provides professional marketing, advertising, branding and design services for nonprofit organizations.
By bringing together aspiring creatives with seasoned, award-winning professionals, the Collective is able to provide marketing services at less than half the price other agencies may charge.
Let's talk about your nonprofit marketing needs and how we can help.

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