The Brief

Crafting Donor Narratives for Nonprofit Fundraising & Marketing

“Ask more, raise more” has long been the accepted wisdom when it comes to nonprofit fundraising. It’s transactional, but hitting fundraising metrics is a numbers game so it can be an effective strategy.

Video Storytelling in Nonprofit Marketing

Establishing emotional connections with your donors and volunteers can further your cause. Video storytelling helps your audience build that connection with your team and those you serve.

Measuring Nonprofit Marketing ROI

Developing and using your nonprofit marketing budget takes careful consideration. And since nonprofit marketing is essential, it’s especially important to know that your efforts are generating the maximum impact. Understanding ROI can help you evaluate and adjust your strategy.

Nonprofit Marketing Is Essential

Marketing and advertising content is everywhere, but how often do you see or hear a message encouraging people to support a charitable cause rather than selling a product or service?

Breaking Down the Benefits of Nonprofit Marketing

Implementing a marketing strategy for your nonprofit can attract attention and donor support for your cause.

5 Common Marketing Obstacles Nonprofits Face

The success of your nonprofit marketing strategy will depend on how you respond to adversity. Identifying and planning for potential marketing roadblocks can help you mitigate them.

The Importance of Web Analytics for Your Nonprofit

Tracking web analytics allows you to make data-driven decisions for your nonprofit, optimize your resources and, ultimately, achieve your goals more easily.

Nonprofit Marketing Made Easier, Part 6: Developing a Marketing Budget and Calendar

Throughout this series, you’ve learned how to create your marketing plan, define your brand identity, determine your target audience, set SMART goals and develop strategies and tactics.

Nonprofit Marketing Made Easier, Part 5: Developing Strategies and Tactics

You’ve developed your brand identity, defined your target audience and established SMART goals for your nonprofit. Now, it’s time to focus on your marketing strategy and tactics.

5 Tips for Leveraging Awareness Days in Your Nonprofit Marketing Strategy

Awareness days, weeks and months are holidays created by charities, organizations and businesses to highlight social, cultural and economic issues. Including them in your nonprofit marketing strategy can be an effective engagement technique.

Nonprofit Marketing Strategies You’ll Need in 2024

The new year presents an opportunity to assess your previous nonprofit marketing efforts, evaluate where you can adjust and plan for the future. Here are four marketing strategies to implement in 2024.

Planning a Successful GivingTuesday Campaign

GivingTuesday is a global initiative that kicks off the holiday giving season. This year’s event will take place on November 28, 2023.

Nonprofit Marketing Made Easier, Part 4: Setting SMART Goals for Your Nonprofit

In recent posts, we’ve touched on creating a marketing plan, developing your brand identity and defining your target audience. Now, we’ll address setting and implementing SMART goals for your nonprofit.

Nonprofit Marketing Made Easier, Part 3: Defining Your Target Audience and Persona

In previous posts, we covered how to create a marketing plan and develop your brand identity. The focus of this third article in the series is identifying your nonprofit’s target audience.

Nonprofit Marketing Made Easier, Part 2: Brand Identity

This is the second article in a series about developing a marketing plan for your nonprofit. The first post focused on developing high-level goals and conducting environmental and competitive analyses. In this post, we’ll be talking about the branding elements, specifically messaging, to include in your marketing plan.

Nonprofit Marketing Made Easier Part 1: Creating a Plan

This is the first in a series about developing a marketing plan for your nonprofit, including setting goals and implementing different analyses.

5 Email Marketing Best Practices for Nonprofits

Nonprofit email marketing is a two-fold challenge. The goal is to build creative email campaigns that interest subscribers enough that they 1) open them, and 2) complete your desired action.

Digital Marketing Metrics to Know for Your Nonprofit

Monitoring your nonprofit’s digital marketing performance metrics helps you identify who is visiting your site, what they’re searching for, and how they interact with your content.

5 Content Marketing Ideas for Your Nonprofit

Unique, audience-focused content marketing can help you stand out in the sea of marketing messages and leave an impression on your donors, volunteers and the general public.

Creating Nonprofit Brand Guidelines

Which nonprofit do you associate with a red cross on a white background? The Red Cross, of course. Brand recognition is knowing who or what a logo represents regardless of where it’s used.

Why Your Nonprofit Needs a Digital Marketing Strategy

You can promote your cause and organization using all sorts of marketing channels, but you won’t be effective if you can’t deliver the right message to your target audience. Digital marketing can help you raise awareness and funds by getting your message to the right people.

6 New Year’s Resolution Ideas for Your Nonprofit

The start of a new year is a time for reflection on the goals you met, surpassed, missed or want to revisit. Setting a resolution or two for your nonprofit gives your team a course of action to follow as you pursue community service.

3 Nonprofit Marketing Must-Haves for 2023

It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day business of running your nonprofit. That’s why it’s sensible to plan your marketing strategy before the start of each new year. When you do, you’ll give your team a solid plan of action and the confidence that comes with focus and direction.

What’s Your Why? Differentiating Your Nonprofit’s Year-End Appeal

The end of the year giving season is approaching, so now is the time to start planning how you’ll reach out to your supporters. But how will you stand out from the wave of emails, letters and social media posts encouraging donors to make their year-end donations? Lead with your “why.”

Setting a Marketing Budget for Your Nonprofit

We recommend you start planning your marketing budget within three months of the start of your fiscal year. That will give you time to assess your marketing needs with your team and adjust your budget if necessary.

Does Your Nonprofit Have a Content Marketing Strategy?

If your nonprofit has a specific mission and you’ve created branded visuals and content, you’re headed in the right direction. But you’ll also need a content marketing strategy to improve your odds of getting in front of the right people.

What’s Your Mission? Writing a Mission Statement for Your Nonprofit

Who are you? What do you do? Why do you do it? Your mission statement for your nonprofit organization should answer those questions.

Want to Start a Nonprofit? Here’s What You’ll Need To Do

Your passion has led you to fill a need and serve others, but you’ll need to do your homework and plan properly to get your nonprofit up and running. There are many moving parts to consider, from research and funding to business development and staffing.

Best Practices for Nonprofit Websites

Your website is your nonprofit organization’s most important brand asset. People may first learn about your cause from a shared social media post or a news story about your work, but the website is likely the first place interested people will go to learn more about your organization.

Using Experience-Driven Events to Support Your Nonprofit

Are you planning an event for your nonprofit organization? Experience-driven events can help your organization stand out and attract people from outside your existing supporter base.

Three is a Magic Number

The number three has been significant throughout human history. It has roots in religion, science and math, art and literature, music and more.

Are Annual Reports Necessary for Nonprofits?

The short answer is yes, an annual report is necessary for nonprofit organizations.

Nonprofits Need Marketing Plans, Too

Does your nonprofit organization have a marketing plan? If not, you’re not alone. Studies show that only 50% of businesses have a marketing plan, and that percentage is much lower for nonprofits.

How Donor Management Software Can Support Nonprofit Marketing Efforts

As a nonprofit leader, you probably use a variety of tools:

Optimizing Your Nonprofit Website for Online Donations

A nonprofit organization’s website is one of its most valuable assets. Not only is it one of the first places a potential donor will look to learn more about the mission and outcomes, it’s also home to the donation page where visitors can make a gift online.

Segmenting Your Year-End Appeal Audience

The objective of all marketing communications is to connect with your audience in a way that feels personal and relevant. That connection is especially important when approaching nonprofit donors with a fundraising appeal.

Year-End Appeal Timeline

The first step in planning your year-end appeal is creating a timeline. These campaigns typically begin in late October or early November, so work backward from the date you’d like your first communications to go out.

6 Steps to Success: End-of-Year Appeal Strategy for Nonprofits

2020 felt like an eternity, but we blinked and now we’re halfway through 2021. This is a good time to start planning for your end-of-year appeal.

Nonprofit Event Branding

Does your nonprofit organization hold a signature event or annual fundraiser? Creating a branded identity for it can make the planning process easier and help you deliver a cohesive, consistent experience for your participants.

Smaller Events, Bigger Returns

Big galas can certainly be a good time for those who attend, but planning and executing a large-scale event can be stressful, especially for small and mid-size nonprofits.

Keeping Donors Informed, Engaged and Invested

The most successful nonprofit organizations have one thing in common: an informed, engaged and invested donor base.