Black Swamp Conservancy

Black Swamp Conservancy

Digital Marketing Management / Content Development / Video

Black Swamp Conservancy is a land trust, a regional, non-profit land conservation organization dedicated to preserving and enhancing natural habitats and family farms in northwest Ohio for the benefit of current and future generations.

The Conservancy began working with MadAveCollective in 2018 to help support the organization’s ongoing marketing needs, including content development for newsletters and social media as well as the design, development and management of a new website.

Website Migration, Design, Development & Management

Website migration is the first project we worked on for Black Swamp Conservancy. The old platform was difficult to use and maintain, and it wasn't suited for the search engine optimization necessary to make the website more visibile to potential visitors. In August 2018, we migrated the website to the user-friendly WordPress platform and implemented SEO standards, which immediately increased organic traffic by 44%. That increase grew to 62% by the end of the year.

Next up was a complete redesign to create a more modern look and improve the user experience. Following the launch of the new website, we saw an immediate 21% increase in organic traffic and 34% increase in total traffic.

Since then, we've conducted ongoing website maintenance, content development and optimization services. Comparing 2023 to 2022, we saw a 75% increase in organic traffic and a 96% increase in total traffic.

Content Development

In addition to developing content for the website and email communications, MadAveCollective helps write the articles published in The Conservancy's semi-annual newsletter, The Rookery.

We've also managed the design and printing/mailing of several issues.