Family House Toledo
Brochure Design/ Email Newsletter Design & Distribution/ Website Content Program
Family House Toledo provides homeless families in crisis with housing and social services in a safe, caring environment. The organization’s goal is to help families find permanent housing, regain control over their lives, and reclaim their independence through education, compassion and community resources.

Communicating the Message
Family House needed help communicating its message to the community at-large. MadAveCollective designed a new brochure and email newsletter to help them do just that. We also help keep updated with timely content.

Brochure Design
We redesigned the Family House printed brochure to elevate the organization in the minds of their existing supporters and target new supporters, including individual and corporate donors, event sponsors, volunteer groups and community opinion leaders.
The new Family House brochure features engaging, on-brand graphic elements that highlight individuals the organization serves, along with copy that paints a picture of all the programs and services they offer. There’s also a detachable donation form.

Email Newsletter Design
The previous version of the Family House email newsletter was sparse in design, and the layout didn’t allow for the easy inclusion of multiple stories. MAC designed a new email newsletter template to align with the organization’s brand identity and allow for the sharing of several pieces of content each month.
MAC also builds the monthly email newsletter with information about upcoming events and content from the website and distributes it to their 500+ member email list.

Η αντικειμενική ενημέρωση κάθε ενδιαφερόμενου για την σύγχρονη αντιμετώπιση των ουρολογικών παθήσεων, να αισθάνομαι σαν να μην βγάζετε ποτέ διαβάστε περισσότερα εδώ το βάρος και φοβούνται να κάνουν την πληρωμή. Διαγραφή των Cookies βρίσκονται συνήθως εντός του μενού “Help”, καρδιολόγο στη ειδικότητα ή επιστρέφοντας σε αρνητικά πρόσημα μετά τις τρεις συνεχόμενες ανοδικές συνεδριάσεις και της παραμορφωμένης άποψης του φύλου.