In this post, we’ll be talking about the branding elements, specifically messaging, to include in your marketing plan. Continue reading “Nonprofit Marketing Made Easier, Part 2: Brand Identity”
Category: Blog
Nonprofit Marketing Made Easier Part 1: Creating a Plan
5 Email Marketing Best Practices for Nonprofits
Digital Marketing Metrics to Know for Your Nonprofit
Monitoring your nonprofit’s digital marketing performance metrics helps you identify who is visiting your site, what they’re searching for, and how they interact with your content. Continue reading “Digital Marketing Metrics to Know for Your Nonprofit”
5 Content Marketing Ideas for Your Nonprofit
Continue reading “5 Content Marketing Ideas for Your Nonprofit”
Creating Nonprofit Brand Guidelines
The Red Cross, of course.
Brand recognition is knowing who or what a logo represents regardless of where it’s used. Continue reading “Creating Nonprofit Brand Guidelines”
Why Your Nonprofit Needs a Digital Marketing Strategy
You can promote your cause and organization using all sorts of marketing channels, but you won’t be effective if you can’t deliver the right message to your target audience. Digital marketing can help you raise awareness and funds by getting your message to the right people. Continue reading “Why Your Nonprofit Needs a Digital Marketing Strategy”
6 New Year’s Resolution Ideas for Your Nonprofit
3 Nonprofit Marketing Must-Haves for 2023
What’s Your Why? Differentiating Your Nonprofit’s Year-End Appeal
Lead with your “why.” Continue reading “What’s Your Why? Differentiating Your Nonprofit’s Year-End Appeal”